About company

Since 1991, for more than 25 years, Karbon-Shungit Company is working on Zazhoginskiy and Maksovskiy fields: the world’s only shungite deposits, located in Medvezhyegorskiy district in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Mineral reserves are estimated to be around 35 million metric tons. Shungite is mined in an immerse way following all the rules and standards of ecological safety; the company bears responsibility for preserving the environment.

Karbon-Shungit has a status of a scientific production complex because it not only mines shungite but also works on scientific research in relevant and promising spheres of its application.

Annual production capacity of the company is 200 thousand metric tons of shungite

Mined shungite is crushed, sorted, and fractionated directly at the production site of Zazhoginskoye deposit, in both Zazhoginskiy and Maksovskiy fields.

Company’s own storage capacity allows for an undisturbed work with clients without being dependent on weather conditions and the size of the order.

The location of Karbon-Shungit; direct access to transport infrastructure allows to deliver products to any place in the world.

Selling shungite mined by our company is the quality guarantee of our products.

The product range of the company is comprised of 11 main fractions as well as a wide range of other products upon prior request.

We are maintaining a flexible price policy which fully depends on the size of the deal and the type of packaging of the products.

Be careful, there are falsified products in the market of shungite. Please check the list of official dealers and distributors.
Geography of shungite sales in the world
  • Czech Republic
  • Austria
  • Turkey
  • Slovakia
  • Serbia
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Finland
  • Latvia
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • China
  • India
  • the USA
  • Canada
  • Belarus
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Moldova
  • Ukraine

To get more information about the purchases made by Karbon-Shungit Company, to provide for its activity, and about the procedures of doing so, please visit www.zakupki.gov.ru

Single-window system
We want to make cooperation with Karbon-Shungit comfortable for you, so we developed different forms of communication.
You can leave your questions and proposals by filling in the questionnaire or order a call back.
We will answer promptly!